COVID-19 Update
We are here for your business during this tough time. We have temporarily modified our services to help your business with work from home strategies.
Working internet connection?
Stay safe and let us do the rest.
Work from Home - Support & Solutions
Virtual Meetings
We will help you choose the appropriate software & hardware to use for video conferencing allowing you to stay connected with staff, clients, family and friends.
Residential Support
We have the skills and the resources to help you work from home. Stay safe and let us do the rest. We can Diagnose & Repair remotely.
Continued Protection
Now that you are working from home, you can still be as efficient and safe as at the office. We can set up security protocols, remote monitoring, and backups to keep things running smoothly.
Our remote skills and resources will help you at home in this time of crisis.
- Diagnose
- Support
- Troubleshoot
- Repair
- Fast Repair
- Secure Remote Connection
- Printing
- Virus/Malware
- Maintenance / Tune ups
Frequently Asked Questions
You will need high speed internet connection and a webcam with a PC, Mac, or any mobile device.
If you can turn your computer on and launch the JJMicro website, we can help. Our job is to make sure you’re as efficient at home as you are in your office.