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Security Awareness Training

As phishing and other cybersecurity attacks have continued to rise JJMicro has added many new tools to our arsenal to combat these attacks.

But no matter how many tools we add, the weakest link when it comes to security continues to be the end-user. It is more important than ever to train employees on how to spot these attacks and avoid them before data is lost, money is stolen, or other consequences are experienced by your company.

JJMicro has partnered with Ninjio to provide security awareness training and phishing simulation testing. This offering is a three-pronged approach to user education.

Quick Monthly Videos

These monthly courses highlight recent trends in cyber-attacks and remind users of what to be wary of when opening emails.

These monthly videos take around 5 minutes to watch followed by a simple 2 question quiz.

We regularly hear from the our clients that they start making use of this information right away.

Simple Quizzes

After each monthly video, there is a short quiz to help your employees retain what they have just learned.

We never want your staff to feel like this is a chore. These videos and quizzes are quick and easy. They are designed to be engaging without feeling like a waste of time.

Phishing Simulation Training

Phishing is the largest cyberthreat to businesses and consumer worldwide, and the number of recorded
phishing attacks continues to grow exponentially.

Using Ninjio, we send simulated phishing emails to each of your users. We can see whether the user clicks
a link in the email, reports it as a phishing email, or just ignores the email. We then take that data and use
it to assign more training to the users who need it.

Don’t leave your data, financial information, and operations open to cyber-attacks. Start training your employees to spot these attacks and avoid them before it’s too late.
Email sales@jjmicro.com or call 636-556-0110 to find out more.