HDD vs SSD: Which Disk Technology is For You

With solid state drive (SSD) pricing falling fast, more and more people are choosing SSDs over traditional spinning disks (HDDs). For many of my own clients, the slight increase in cost of an SSD over an HDD is well worth the extra benefits like reliability, power savings, and most importantly speed. But there are still […]
Ensuring Your Data Backups Are Secure

There are many important questions to keep in mind when considering the security of your data backups. Are you backing up locally and to the cloud to avoid danger brought on by local natural disaster? Are you storing your physical and cloud backups in a safe place? Have you tested your data backup to ensure […]
The Real Cost of Downtime

Everybody knows that when your IT infrastructure goes down it can cost your business money. But have you taken the time to truly quantify the cost of downtime for your business? At first, it can seem daunting to put a real price on an hour or day of downtime. However, if you know how much […]
Transitioning to the Cloud

The cloud is one of the biggest technology buzzwords of the 21st century. But what is the cloud? What benefits does the cloud provide? Is it safe to move your data to the cloud? Can using cloud services save you money? These are all important questions if you are considering transitioning some or all of […]